Welcome to the Manga page! This is where I collect links to online versions of various Nintendo Mangas that would otherwise be difficult to find. At the time of finding them, they all appear safe, but if something changes, please contact me. Happy reading!

Fire Emblem
Awakening Yonkoma KingsFates 4Koma and Character Book
Fates 4Koma Kings
Shadows of Valentia 4Koma Anthrology
Fire Emblem Heroes Official Comic (Ongoing)
The Legend of Zelda
Minish Cap MangaFour Swords Volume I (Chapter 1 is missing)
Four Swords Volume II
Pokémon Special (Volume 1 is Missing)Pokémon Special Sun & Moon
Cafè Cardamari Tales (Heroes of Inkopolis)
Artist: TamarinFrog

Synopsis: Cafè Cardamari Tales is a Splatoon fancomic that ran from 2015-2019. It centers on the four turf war teams that frequent the Cafè Cardamari and the misadventures that ensue around them. Slice-of-life, romance, coming-of-age, found-family
Review: Coming soon
Remember to read manga right to left!