Design your own Pokémon!

Hello all, and welcome to Eligood's first ever contest!!
The graphic above has most of the information you need for this contest, but here are a few things to note:
All drawings and designs MUST be kid-friendly.
If you wouldn't see it in official media, don't include it!
No tracing, templates, or copying from existing
designs/fan designs is allowed. All entires must be 100% original.
Imaginary evolutions of pre-existing 'Mon are allowed!
There will be 3 age range groups- kids, which
includes anyone up to the age of 13, teens, which is 13-18,
and adults, which includes any older than 18. Depending on how many entries
I recieve, I may choose a winner from each.
Each participant may enter as many designs as they
wish! Please enter all of your drawings under the same name.
All entries will be featured on a special page once the
contest is over. The winning design(s) will be redrawn by
myself and turned into an unofficial card.
If you are under the age of 13, please have a parent or grown-up
help you enter the contest!
The contest will end on March 25th, 2021.
The graphic above has most of the information you need for this contest, but here are a few things to note:

If you wouldn't see it in official media, don't include it!

designs/fan designs is allowed. All entires must be 100% original.

includes anyone up to the age of 13, teens, which is 13-18,
and adults, which includes any older than 18. Depending on how many entries
I recieve, I may choose a winner from each.

wish! Please enter all of your drawings under the same name.

contest is over. The winning design(s) will be redrawn by
myself and turned into an unofficial card.

help you enter the contest!